Buffalo Gear
60L ロールトップ防水ダッフルドライバッグ、アウトドア用旅行ダッフルバッグ
60L ロールトップ防水ダッフルドライバッグ、アウトドア用旅行ダッフルバッグ
4.86 / 5.0
(21) 21 レビュー数の合計
高い防水性:耐久性のある高強度 PVC メッシュ布で作られており、穴が開きにくく、破れにくいです。すべての縫い目は熱溶接で強化されており、完全に防水です。
使いやすい:開口部はフックとループで閉じることができ、上部は簡単に巻くことができます。3、4 回巻いてストラップで固定すると、すべてのギアを理想的にドライに保ちます。
3 つの持ち運び方法:両手で持ち上げるための両側のストラップ、手で運ぶための上部ハンドル、斜めがけや肩にかけるための調節可能なストラップ。さまざまな場面で柔軟に持ち運べます。
バッファロー ギア サービス: 1 年間のメーカー保証を提供します。ご質問がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Super satisfied with the build and feel of this beefy duffel! Construction is heavy duty "rubberized" nylon (not sure if it's actually rubber, but it feels like it) that seems completely bomb-proof. All the handles and straps are joined well and few sturdy; everything about this bag seems thoughtfully engineered to last. I recently switched to this as my checked bag for weekly air travel, since I know that nothing is going to possibly damage it and it can literally just be thrown around. The wide mouth design make packing easy - the edges of the mouth are stiffer, which means it stays open while packing and doesn't flop over. Velcro the two sides together, roll down a couple of times, attach the four heavy duty buckles, and *boom* - you have a sealed, rugged duffel that should hold up to some serious abuse.
A couple extras worth mentioning - there's a separate compartment accessible from the outside. Also comes with a nylon strap, which I remove when checking my bag. I store it in the "shoe compartment" for easy access when I retrieve my bag.
Overall this is a seriously sturdy bag that will last you many miles and take some abuse. Compares to duffel bags twice the price. Highly recommend
I bought two 60L bags. I returned from a two day canoe trip. Thus bag did everything right. Day 1 was in the rain and all of our camping gear was with us in the canoe. The bag was large enough to fit a large 6 man tent. It stayed dry. In bag 2 were two down sleeping bags clothes and fishing rods. It all stayed dry. They were well tested. Leave room to velcro closed and roll 3 times. Buckle all of the buckles and cinch the bag tight. Easier to load than cylinder type bags. I bought a higher end bag as well for this trip. If I had to do it over I would have 3 of the Buffalo gears bags.
I bought this as a sleep sack, clothes, and pillow bag for a cross country motorcycle trip. I really wanted to make sure all of that stuff stayed dry. I was however skeptical because generally I feel like you get what you pay for, and this think was only about 90 bucks. But I have to say - we rode through the WORST storm I’ve ever been in with thunder and lighting all around us, and rain drops that felt like a catholic school nun ruler-smacking my fingers. Flooded roads and all - we were SOAKED! But even at 50mph not one drop of water made it into this bag.
I’m very impressed and very glad I bought this!!!
I don’t leave to many reviews, but this item is truly worthy of one!
With tons of kayaking-camping experience, I was looking for a dry bag that was easy to use, and actually kept my equipment dry.
First time out, was caught in torrential downpour, I left the bag on the outside of the tent and prayed for the best. To my surprise, in the morning the items inside were totally dry and the outside was completely full of mud. Took it home and sprayed it with the hose, and looks brand new!
Held all of my supplies perfectly. The roll top-Velcro design gives you a wide opening to quickly find anything within bag.
The awesome list of this bag can go on and on. For $89, buy it, you won’t be disappointed.